The Administration of Medicines
Scoil Náisiunta an Chroi Naofa,
An Gleanntán
The Board of Management of Scoil Náisiúnta an Chroí Naofa acknowledges its duty to safeguard the health and safety of all pupils when they are engaged in authorised school activities, with due regard for its duty of care to all staff. In that regard, the Board of Management does not consider it appropriate that any staff member would feel obliged to undertake the administration of medicines.
Hence any administration of medicines to a pupil by a staff member shall be on a completely voluntary basis and shall be limited to situations where such administration has been discussed, organised and fully authorised by the parents /guardians and the Board of Management. The procedures outlined in this document are in line with the INTO/CPSMA guidelines. They are to be followed when parents make a request to the Board of Management that a staff member administer medicine to a pupil with a specific medical condition.
Policy Content
The following general points of policy apply to the administration of medicines within this school with particular regard to pupils who have specific medical conditions and to emergency situations which may arise as a result of such conditions.
- The Board of Management requires parents to ensure that both the Principal and class teacher be made aware in writing of any notable medical condition suffered by any children in their class at the beginning of each new school year or as soon as new information becomes available to them.
- Where possible parents /guardians should arrange for the administration of all medicines outside of school hours. As a general rule, prescriptive and non-prescriptive routine medicines will neither be stored nor administered in school.
- In certain exceptional cases however, the administration (or self-administration under the supervision of an adult), of routine medication is necessary during the school day (i.e. Ritalin, inhalers, insulin). In some very exceptional cases, the emergency administration of medicine may be required. Such cases include, but are not limited to, children with specific medical conditions such as asthma, epilepsy, severe allergies or diabetes.
- In these exceptional cases it is the responsibility of the parent to ensure that the correct medication is hand delivered to the school by the parent themselves. Students must not carry medicine with them.
- For the purposes of this policy, the administration of medicine refers to an adult removing the medication from a secure fridge/storage area and supervising the child while the medicine is swallowed. Self-administration refers to a child using an inhaler or injecting insulin under the supervision of an adult. Emergency administration refers to the unexpected and urgent dispensing of medication to a child in a medical emergency such as when a child goes into a fit or seizure or shock and requires medication urgently.
- The Board of Management does not allow the self- administration of medication by students in school without the presence of an adult.
- In the case of emergencies qualified medical treatment will be secured at the earliest opportunity.
- The administration of medicine to pupils in all contingencies requires prior written consent from parents/guardians who have read and accepted this policy and have fully completed the Request Form appended to this document. This is a written application to the school to
- Allow a member or members of staff to administer a particular medication in an emergency situation
- Arrange for clear and mutually acceptable procedures for a child with a specific medical condition to self-administer a named medicine as prescribed under the supervision of an adult.
- The Request Form will contain the following information:
- The date
- Personal details of the child: name, address, date of birth.
- Present class and name of teacher.
- Emergency contact details of parents/ guardians and two other contacts.
- Relevant doctor’s and consultant’s contact details.
- Diagnosed condition and a description of it.
Name and dose and batch number of medication
- Details of the circumstances and the method by which medication is to be given by the staff member(s) in routine situations and including detailed instructions as to its administration in an emergency situation.
- clear and precise instructions on the procedures to be followed in administering the medication
- The date
- Parents/ Guardians are required to sign the Request Form and in so doing they consent to the administration of specific medication to their child and they indemnify the Board and staff members from any liability that may arise from the administration /non-administration of the medication.
- Parents/ guardians should note that qualified medical treatment will be secured in emergencies at the earliest opportunity.
- Parents/Guardians are reminded that it is their responsibility to ensure that all information and contact details are up to date at all times.
- It is the parents’ responsibility to ensure that medication is in date and to record, using whatever method they deem necessary, all information relating to the medication they provide to the school.
- All medications will be stored in a fridge or in another secure location in the Secretary’s Office.
Following a written request:
- The Board of Management will decide whether it will ask a staff member to administer particular medicine to a student in school or not. This decision will be relayed to the parent.
- The administration of medicines in all cases is as per the written instructions of the parents in the Administration of Medicines Request Form. No Staff member will have received any medical training.
- In administering medication to a pupil, staff members will exercise the standard of care of a reasonable and prudent parent.
- The names of those who have volunteered to administer medicine will be listed on the Eolas Breise pages of the school, in the office and in the staffroom.
- Where a pupil has a specific medical condition, all staff are made aware of the likely symptoms of an attack/illness for that particular pupil. This involves a copy of the “Eolas Breise” page (which contains a photograph of each child with a known medical condition, a description of the medical condition, symptoms to be aware of and action to take in emergencies) being given to each teacher and SNA and also being placed in the Yard Behaviour monitoring file. The ‘Substitute Information Folder’ in the office will also contain the same information. Regular staff meeting updates will take place in relation to such pupils.
- If a student with a notable medical condition is going on an out of school trip e.g. 6th Class Retreat or a sporting event in school hours or some other such event, then it is the responsibility of the parent to communicate with the school in advance in relation to the carrying of medicines on such a trip. If such communication is made in advance an adult will carry the medicines for the duration in case they are required. The school accepts no responsibility in the event of the non-carrying of medicines to out of school events if the parent has failed to communicate with the school in advance of this necessity.
- Protocol