Author Archives: Elaine
Lotsa fun today doing science experiments. share
There were a lot of eggs, balloons, salt, sugar and even a hairdryer floating around the room today as we did experiments ranging from static electricity to density and from forces to solutions. Some serious cleaning up after a few explosions involving lemon juice and baking soda!
Pyjama Party! share
Sixth class had great fun dressing up in their pj’s to take a pic for the school calendar. They were only fit for sleep that day and not much else!
Halloween brought out all kinds of strange beings! share
Our mafia kid!
Snug in a onesie!
A rough encounter! Thumbs up!
Monkey business! Swotting hard!
Bloody but smiling! Colour Queen!
Sick of chores! Zombie land!
Who are under those masks?
Looking a little pale.
Karate kid. Who are you?
Funky fashion!
More funky fashion!
Well done to the sixth class on our Sciath na Scol teams who reached the finals!! share
So many of our class were involved on both our school teams. Comhgairdeas!